weisstechnik® Academy
Know-how for your technology.

July 2023
E-Learnings on IEC 60068-2-38 and IEC 60068-2-14 Na & Nb available on our learning platform.
IEC 60068-2-38 and IEC 60068-2-14 Na & Nb are important tests in environmental simulation. In our paid e-learning courses, we go into the basics and implementation of the standard and the function of our test chambers. In addition, many practical tips can be found in the courses.

June 2022
New WebSeason Tutorial
A tutorial for WebSeason is now available on our digital learning platform. In this course we explain the WebSeason control software of the ClimeEvent device series. We go into the individual menus and submenus and, last but not least, how to create a program.

January 2022
A happy and healthy new year!
As 2022 is still characterized by contact reductions, our weisstechnik Academy learning platform provides you with a suitable tool to expand your knowledge on the topic of Environmental Simulation - digitally and 24/7.
Register for free on our learning platform.
Recently posted topics:
- Introduction ESD
- Energy Storage Devices - Risk assessement and hazard level
November 2021
Use of Blended Learning for customer training
In order to combine optimal learning success with high time flexibility, we rely on blended learning concepts for our customer training courses.
We combine the learning formats used by the weisstechnik Academy - self-learning courses / live online training / classroom training - into a goal-oriented learning plan. This makes it possible to use and combine the advantages of all learning formats.
Depending on customer requirements, the topics and formats are combined to create an individual course. For a more interesting learning experience of live online events, weisstechnik Academy has technically upgraded the studio.
Would you like to learn more about our blended learning concepts?
Then please feel free to contact us!
August 2021: Learn where and when you want
With the learning platform of the weisstechnik Academy
On our learning platform you will find interesting and practical self-learning courses on topics from Environmental Simulation as well as on the products of Weiss Technik. The courses are geared to the needs of test engineers, operators of our devices and systems as well as persons who are in charge of maintenance work. Managers of test laboratories, whether new to the field or already experienced, can also benefit.
For more information and access to the courses, please visit the learning platform.
Register now for free.
September 2020: New courses on learning platform
For more information and access to the courses, please visit our learning platform. Register now free of charge!
June 2020: Webinars
Due to the current situation, we are unfortunately not yet able to offer any classroom training for you this year.
But we still want offer you some training content and therefore, we started a webinar series on different topics from the world of Environmental Simulation.
- How a climatic chamber works
- Safe and reproducible testing
- Network and Communication
- Simpati 4.70 and Simpati Online
- Maintenance of the operating availability of a ClimeEvent