Schunk at Run'n'Roll for Help

Timo Biedenkapp wins 10 km run!

Schunk provided the largest team at the Run'n'Roll for Help.
With a top performance, Timo Biedenkapp took first place over 10 kilometers.
Sandra Gröger was the fastest woman in the Schunk team, here in the final sprint together with Christoph Lehrl.
Has reason to be happy: Simon Linder came in fourth in the "ten".

With temperatures over 30 degrees, this year's Run'n'Roll for Help was no walk in the park. The "Schunk läuft!" team nevertheless gave its best at the 25th edition of the fun run as part of the Giessen City Festival. Especially Timo Biedenkapp: He won the men's 10-kilometer run with a top time of 34:43 and stood at the top of the podium.

The fastest Schunk woman over the 10 kilometers was Sandra Gröger with 1:04:04. The trio of Timo Biedenkapp, Philipp Menz and Simon Lindner was also the fastest team in the field over 10 kilometers. And last but not least, Schunk once again provided the largest team!

All results are available here: By the way: the Run'n'Roll is a charity run and raised 14,250 euros in donations for the two organizers Lebenshilfe Gießen and Aidshilfe Gießen.